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Sutton Care Hub

Working together to build a stable, sensitive and supportive care offer in Sutton.


Submit online COVID-19 testing results

All Care Homes must complete the Sutton Online COVID-19 testing results form every time they test residents and staff, as part of regular testing. This will help us to: Support homes with regular testing Provide timely advice on any infections or outbreaks Mitigate issues in accessing testing

London Health and Social Care Staff – Covid Vaccine Lunchtime Q&A

This event is open to all staff: NHS, Agency and Social Care, please come along if you have any questions around the Covid vaccine. Clinicians will be available to answer your questions. This is part of the Social Wellbeing Sessions that the Staff Engagement and Experience Team in NHSE/I are putting on for all colleagues […]

Testing webinar

A webinar for Care Home Testing Leads to discuss the testing of both residents and staff and expanding on national and local guidance, including the submission of test results and the allocation of Rapid Test Funding. Join by phone (GB) +44 20 3873 3170‬ PIN: ‪492 130 256 7835‬#

Testing webinar

A webinar for Care Home Testing Leads to discuss the testing of both residents and staff and expanding on national and local guidance, including the submission of test results and the allocation of Rapid Test Funding. Join by phone ‪(GB) +44 20 3873 3170‬ PIN: ‪492 130 256 7835‬#

Care Home Q&A session

We will be holding a weekly Q&A session for all Care Home Providers, every Wednesday 4 - 5pm, via google meet. The session will give you an opportunity to ask […]

Information Sharing Webinar for Care Homes

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting +44 20 3880 0300   United Kingdom, London (Toll) Conference ID: 855 305 74# Local numbers | Reset PIN | Learn more about Teams | Meeting options

Educational webinar: Maternal Health & Covid Vaccine

We are pleased to invite you to an Educational Webinar session on Thursday 3rd June   2021 1230 – 1330 focusing on: Maternal Health & Covid Vaccine Book Here  or Join Teams Meeting

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