Supporting young people in care and leaving care

In this section

Supporting young people in care and leaving care

Our looked after and leaving care team provides a specialist service to children and young people:

  • who are under the care of the Council on a permanent or long term basis
  • who have left care and require ongoing advice and/or assistance

Most of these children and young people are either in foster care or residential accommodation, although some may be in young offender institutions or boarding schools.

Please see Supporting young people in care and leaving care for more information.

Early help for families and professionals

Information on Early Help in the London Borough of Sutton including the Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT), Team Around the Family/Child and the Lead Professional.

Sutton’s Local Offer Website

  • For all your SEND information needs
  • Our Vision: “We are collectively ambitious for our children and young people. Together we want to provide them with the best chances to achieve their best outcomes in life, whatever their starting point, and to prepare them effectively for adulthood.”

Support for families

  • Sutton has different ways to help families when they are faced with challenges. There is lots of helpful information and services you can access . We also have a team of highly professional and caring staff on hand to guide you.

Support for professionals

  • If you are worried about a child, need advice and support or need to make a referral you will find the necessary links on this webpage. Here you will also find information about the Sutton LSCP.

Child employment

Thank you for enquiring about Child Employment and Child Employment Permits. This service is provided by Cognus Limited on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton. For information on Child Employment, please see Child Employment Permits.

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