Ordering Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

New PPE portal

A new online platform to order personal protective equipment (PPE) in England has been launched. The new system builds on user feedback to improve the experience of those using the site.

There is an ongoing migration period from the previous system to the new platform, and from 4 April 2022, all customers will be automatically redirected to the new PPE portal from the previous site. The new platform will be managed by NHS Supply Chain.

Read the announcement

Access the portal

Updated Guidance – PPE local contacts for providers

Updated guidance has been published about local contacts for PPE providers.

View the list of providers

Updated guidance: PPE portal and order limits

Guidance has been updated (as at 28 January) about the PPE portal and order limits. Change made:

  • Updated to say that it is a legal requirement on employers that FFP3 masks must be fit tested on all health and care staff who may be required to wear one
  • Updated the order limits for GPs to include FFP3 masks

Read the full guidance

Free PPE extended to March 2023

The government has announced the extension of free PPE to health and care sectors by up to one year to March 2023 or until the infection prevention and control guidance on PPE usage for COVID-19 is either withdrawn or significantly amended (whichever is sooner).

Read more

If you require PPE but do not have access to the PPE portal

If you require PPE supplies and you are from any groups listed below, please email us at socialcare-cv19@sutton.gov.uk and we will respond to your email as soon as possible.

  • mental health community care, personal assistants, domestic violence refuges, rough sleeping services,  supported living, extra care, shared lives, day services and unpaid carers.

Emergency supplies: if you are in need of emergency PPE because you have less than three days of supply and have already exhausted your normal supply routes (including the government PPE portal if you are a registered care provider) then please complete this Emergency PPE Request form.

Update June 2021: Emergency supplies are still available via the google form.

For any other queries or if you need to speak to someone immediately about PPE, call the PPE Team on 020 8770 6041.

eCommerce Portal

The PPE eCommerce Portal, which is free of charge initiated and managed by the Department of Health and Social Care, is available as an emergency top-up route.

The PPE portal can be used by:

  • GPs
  • residential social care providers
  • domiciliary social care providers
  • pharmacies
  • dentists
  • orthodontists
  • optometrists
  • children’s care homes and secure homes
  • all special schools and special post-16 institutes
  • community drug and alcohol services
  • residential drug and alcohol services

If you’re a provider in one of these categories, your invitation to register will be sent to your email account registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), NHS Business Services Authority (BSA), NHS England or the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).  You need to use this email address to register.

If you have not received an email (you will only receive one if you meet the criteria above), please contact the PPE Dedicated Supply Channel team on 0800 876 6802. You should register even if you do not currently need to place an order.

The latest guidance on the PPE eCommerce Portal is available on the government’s website.

Log in here.

PPE Portal help line number: 0800 876 6802

Free COVID-19 PPE for unpaid carers

Please see Guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care on the PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE).

Unpaid carers, not living with the person they care for, are eligible to receive free COVID-19 PPE until end of March 2022 through their local authority (LA) or local resilience forum (LRF).

LAs and LRFs are invited to use CarePlace to triage requests for unpaid carers and can apply to use this free platform by completing the online application form. Once this has been submitted, LA/LRFs will be sent a test application. 

Page last updated on March 4th, 2022 at 5:15pm

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