Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund

October 2021 to March 2022

The Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund was introduced in May 2020 to support Adult Social Care providers in England to reduce the rate of COVID-19 transmission. In April 2021 this was consolidated with the existing Rapid Testing Fund to support additional testing of staff in care homes and enable indoors, close contact visiting where possible.

The government has now extended support to providers to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 until 31 March 2022, with an extra £388 million of funding to support the care sector put in place crucial measures over the winter period. 

Spending the Fund

The funding period commences from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 22; this is a new grant, with different conditions to previous Infection Control and Testing Funds. Click here to view funding conditions.

The London Borough of Sutton has been awarded £1,475,573 of the national fund to support the reduction in transmission.  

The purpose of this fund is to support adult social care providers (including those with whom we do not have a contract) to:

  1. Reduce the rate of COVID-19 transmission within and between care settings through effective infection prevention and control practices and increase COVID-19 and flu vaccine uptake among staff.
  2. Conduct testing of staff and visitors in care settings to identify and isolate positive cases, and in order to enable close contact visiting where possible.

Details about your allocation?

  • Infection Control 
    • Care Home – we will be paying up to £381 per occupied bed, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021
    • Community Care – we will be paying up to £91 per user, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021
  • Rapid Test
    • Care Home – we will be paying £270 per occupied bed, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021
    • Community Care – we will be paying £53 per occupied bed, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021
  • Vaccine
    • Care Home – we will be paying £26 per occupied bed, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021
    • Community Care – we will be paying £19 per user, based on the Capacity Tracker Service User Data as at October 2021

The fund will be paid in two instalments (Nov ‘21 and Jan ‘22). 

Please note: There is no process to appeal the total grant amount paid to your service.

Reporting Requirements

This funding must be used for COVID-19 infection control measures set out above. You cannot use the fund to purchase PPE. ALL FUNDING MUST BE SPENT BY 31 March 2022.

We will audit the use of the funding (as instructed by DHAC) to ensure it is only used for the intended purpose of reducing the spread of the transmission. Therefore you should ensure that you have accurate record-keeping for this purpose. The council will provide you with templates to complete; all reporting must be completed and returned promptly as set out by the council to evidence how this grant was spent.

To receive the grant payment, the council will need to be satisfied that:

  • You will use the funding as set out above and in the national guidance.
  • That you will supply all reporting by the set deadlines as required by the council.
  • That you are completing the National Capacity Tracker daily or London ADASS Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 
  • You will need to demonstrate that you have realistic plans in place to spend the fund.

Failure to comply with the above conditions will mean that the grant payment will not be administered to your service.  

The specific grant conditions set out by the Department of Health and Social Care can be found here.

How do I draw down our allocation?

To receive the first payment, providers should respond to the council by completing the confirmation form to submit responses, click here.

Please ensure that the Registered Manager completes the form no later than 12 November 2021 to allow payments.


If you have any queries on the infection control fund, please contact the team at (Bed-based providers) or (Community providers).

Page last updated on February 7th, 2022 at 10:02am

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