Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Information for providers

In this section

Good infection prevention and control (IPC), including cleanliness, is essential to ensure that people who use health and adult social care services receive safe and effective care. 

It is essential that Adult social care services are up to date and familiar with key infection control guidance and regulations. 

If you have concerns surrounding possible outbreak of communicable reportable illnesses in your setting, please contact the UKHSA health protection team Email; [email protected] or Telephone 0300 303 0450

If you need further support please contact LBS public health team: [email protected]


Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs)

To ensure safety, standard infection control precautions (SICPs) are to be used by all workers for all people whether infection is known to be present or not. SICPs are the basic IPC measures necessary to reduce the risk of spreading pathogens.

These basic IPC measures are:

  • hand hygiene
  • respiratory and cough hygiene
  • PPE
  • safe management of care equipment
  • safe management of the environment
  • management of laundry
  • management of blood and body fluid spills
  • waste management
  • management of exposure

Sources of infection include blood and other body fluids, secretions or excretions (excluding sweat), non-intact skin, or mucous membranes, and any equipment or items in the environment that could have become contaminated.

The application of SICPs is determined by assessing risk to and from people. This includes the task, level of interaction, and/or the anticipated level of exposure to blood and/or other body fluids.

SICP Resources

Hand Hygiene

Respiratory Hygiene


Training and education

Training and education are essential to protect people from the risks of infection, along with maintaining competence in applying the principles of IPC. 

Links to other resources

Page last updated on June 14th, 2024 at 12:39pm

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