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Sutton Care Hub

Working together to build a stable, sensitive and supportive care offer in Sutton.


Information Sharing Webinar for Care Homes

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting +44 20 3880 0300   United Kingdom, London (Toll) Conference ID: 855 305 74# Local numbers | Reset PIN | Learn more about Teams | Meeting options

Educational webinar: Maternal Health & Covid Vaccine

We are pleased to invite you to an Educational Webinar session on Thursday 3rd June   2021 1230 – 1330 focusing on: Maternal Health & Covid Vaccine Book Here  or Join Teams Meeting

IPC – 5th Champion meeting

MS Teams

As we will be looking at decontamination of the Care Home and its equipment we strongly recommend that a representative from housekeeping is present.   Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +44 20 3880 0300,,469453404#   United Kingdom, London 0800 026 […]

Bed Based care Q&A session

Google Meet

The next session is 15 September. The session will give you an opportunity to ask questions and discuss situations arising due to COVID-19. The session is optional, and you can drop in and out of the session as you are available. Weekly Q&A with Care Homes

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