Care Home Information Sharing Webinar 

IPC mandatory training programme

We are looking for people who would be prepared to complete the pilot test of the new mandatory IPC module for community settings(Tier 2 staff includes all staff working directly with/providing care to patients and/or who work in the patient environment  e.g., nurses, healthcare support staff, cleaners, estates, facilities staff (for more information please see IPC Education Framework).  For more information please email

Focus Sessions

We have laid out focus sessions for each of our webinars where we will have speakers on these topics. We hope that we include topics that can help you and your staff in your care home. We are always welcome to take on suggestions or topics that you would like to see covered, send an email to

Newsletter – Updates and Training

We have attached our newsletter full of updates and information including digital and current training opportunities! Please see attached.

Have your say

We need you to have your say! let us know what topics you would like covering, ask questions and tell us about what is going well, but also what isn’t – because I can ensure you if we don’t have the answer one of you colleagues will have. For feedback and or to suggest topic contact

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