Peer Review Post Challenge

Dear Providers, The LGA Peer Challenge team has now completed their review of ASC and we wanted to share some of their initial feedback with you. Over the coming weeks we will receive the full report and will use this to prioritise improvements to our services. This has been a great learning opportunity for us […]

Published on 16/07/2024 in Adult services | News

Dear Providers,

The LGA Peer Challenge team has now completed their review of ASC and we wanted to share some of their initial feedback with you.

  • The team recognised that we know ourselves and are ambitious for our people, place and partnerships – where we encounter challenges, we focus on solutions
  • They noted the strength of many of our local relationships as well as our partnership approach to prevention
  • We have some very good practice and performance in a number of areas, including how we safeguard people. They also noted that we are focused on continually developing our strengths-based practice which we will continue to take forward.

Over the coming weeks we will receive the full report and will use this to prioritise improvements to our services. This has been a great learning opportunity for us all to reflect on how we work together and to prepare for our CQC Assurance. 

We look forward to continuing to work together with you and our staff, partners, providers and residents to keep people safe from harm and meet their needs for care and support in a way that focuses on their strengths.

Kind regards,

Nick Ireland

Strategic Director of People Services

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