Assisted Travel

Welcome to the Assisted Travel Provider Forum. Assisted Travel is a crucial service, to some of the most vulnerable young people in our community, and your professionalism and dedication in […]

Welcome to the Assisted Travel Provider Forum. Assisted Travel is a crucial service, to some of the most vulnerable young people in our community, and your professionalism and dedication in providing an excellent service means that all our young people have equal access to education.

LBS has set up a provider forum as we strive to find different ways to ensure we continue to work closely with our suppliers and make sure that we share in any new developments and work in partnership to find solutions to any  challenges. It is with this in mind that we have set up the Assisted Travel Forum and the key purpose of the forum is:

  1. Provide an opportunity for all providers to meet and share in good practice and new development in this sector
  2. It an opportunity for us to share information relating to any statutory guidance, training and future opportunities
  3. It’s a forum for you as providers to raise any concerns or share challenges you may have in this sector, and jointly work together to find solutions
  4. It’s a good opportunity to network and build connections with others in the sector

All future Forum information will be uploaded here on the Sutton Care Hub, so that you can access it when you need it or if you have missed any forum.


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