Adult social care workforce support survey

As someone who works in adult social care, and uses the resources and support we at the Social Care Institute for Excellence provide, we want to let you know that the Department […]

Published on 29/03/2023 in News
As someone who works in adult social care, and uses the resources and support we at the Social Care Institute for Excellence provide, we want to let you know that the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) are undertaking a review of the sector support available to the adult social care workforce.
We want to give you the opportunity to contribute to this review by completing the Department of Health and Social Care’s adult social care workforce support survey by 31 March 2023.
What’s happening?
The Department of Health and Social Care are undertaking a review of the sector support available to the adult social care workforce. When they say ‘workforce support’, they mean anything that helps you do your job well or that aids your organisation in the work it does. It could include anything from reading guidance on a website, talking with a trusted colleague from another organisation, ringing a helpline, right through to completing a post-graduate qualification. This may also include topics such as training, wellbeing, recruitment and retention, and general support and advice. The Department of Health and Social Care want to better understand your experience, what works well for you, what could be better, and if there is anything not currently available that could be useful. Everyone’s views are welcome and we would really appreciate you taking the time to respond. The survey will take no longer than five minutes and there is the option to give a more detailed response in the free text box, though this is not required. All responses are confidential and nothing will be attributed to you as an individual or as an organisation. The data collected will be anonymised, used only for the purpose of the review, and will be subject to the Data Protection Act 2018.
SCIE’s co-production survey
SCIE is investigating the understandings and experiences of co-production by adult social care professionals and people who draw on adult social care services. This includes what co-production means to different people; and what can help or hinder co-production from happening. Take our ten minute survey to help us put people who draw on services in the driving seat. The survey closes on 4 April 2023.

Complete SCIE’s co-production survey

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