Heat Health Alert

YELLOW Heat-Health Alert – (Hot weather response) has been issued for London and is in effect between 18/07/2024 at 17:00 and 20/07/2024 at 23:00.

Published on 16/07/2024 in Adult services | Children's services | News

Overall Risk Score – YELLOW (7)

General Overview – Minor impacts are probable across the health and social care sector, including: increased use of healthcare services by the vulnerable population; increase in risk of mortality amongst vulnerable individuals and increased potential for indoor environments to become very warm. But these are not expected.

YELLOW Heat-Health Alert – (Hot weather response) has been issued for London and is in effect between 18/07/2024 at 17:00 and 20/07/2024 at 23:00.

Please access the Weather-Health Alerting system via the UKHSA data dashboard and read the user guidance on the Weather-Health Alerting System gov.uk webpage.

Please note that the Met Office may issue National Severe Weather Warnings (e.g. Extreme Heat) with short notice that you need to be aware of, so you can take appropriate action to prepare for. Click on the following link to access the Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service

MapOverview of weather conditions. The latest forecast details are available via the Met Office: Find a forecast
MatrixRisk MatrixHeat-Health impact risk scores have been derived between the UKHSA and the Met Office for each region and are provided in the below table. Users are advised to refer the regional risk score to the matrix.

All organisations, but especially those providing health and social care should be aware of the advice and guidance set out in the Adverse Weather and Health Plan, as to the actions necessary before and during a Heat-Health Alert Period. Specific advice is available in the links below.

Heat-Health Alerts are sent to the Chief Executive of every Health Trust provider of NHS commissioned care, Local Authority and Social Care Organisation in England. If you would like to add a colleague to receive these alerts, please go to: https://forms.office.com/e/Bw6mjea6qa. Feel free to share this link within your organisation, or anyone else you think may benefit from this service. If you would like to update your registration details, please complete the form here: Update registration details. If you would like to unsubscribe, please complete the form here: Unsubscription. If you have questions or technical problems with the subscription service, please complete the form here: Subscription enquiries.

The Heat-Health Alert Service operates in England from 1 June to 30 September each year, in partnership with the Met Office. This is the period when high temperatures are likely to occur. However, should high temperatures be observed or expected outside of this period, an extraordinary Heat-Health Alert will be issued and stakeholders are advised to take the usual public health actions.

To aid local planning, Local Resilience Forum (LRFs) and their regions can be found here: Guidance – Local Resilience Forums: Contact Details.

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